I joined SCBWI when I graduated from college back in the 1900s. Tomorrow, I head to NY for my FIRST EVER SCBWI conference. It will be in intense few day of workshops, including an illustrator intensive on Friday that will cater to specific issues of illustrators. I don’t speak until Sunday, but as a presenter, I will have access to all of the weekend events! Mostly, I am excited to take copious notes and share what I have learned with my students. So, if you are in NY this weekend, join Peter Brown, Raúl Colón, Marla Frazee, Oliver Jeffers, and me on Sunday for a KEYNOTE PANEL: The Art of the Picture Book in the Empire State Ballroom Moderated by Arthur Levine, Vice President and Publisher of Arthur A. Levine Books, an Imprint of Scholastic Inc.

Here is a great lineup of the conference events.
Before you go, check out the PLEASE, LOUISE book contest! 12 days left to enter!