Kids’ Books

This year I worked with Learning Leaders to visit NY classrooms and share my work with kids. I did 8 visits between two classes over the course of 4 consecutive months. For the activity portion of my visit we made single sheet books where the kids had to tell a story with pictures only! It … Read more

Our Children Can Soar Highlights

What a looooonnnngggg week. Today was the book signing for OUR CHILDREN CAN SOAR. There were seven artists who were available to sign books. What an amazing time! I don’t think I’ve ever been in a room with that much picturebook royalty at once. Each artist has such a distinct voice and is so very … Read more

EJK Award Ceremony Highlights

The celebration has come and gone. We had a great turn out at the NYPL last night. My friends and family came out strong to share in my moment. Many thanks go to all committee members, the New York Public Library, and to the Ezra Jack Keats Foundation for such a wonderful honor. For those … Read more